Pre and post operative gender affirming care and advice,
  and referal pathway for therapy and surgery.

It is a massive decision that some transitioning individuals make, to have elective surgery that will make us feel more whole. You want to ensure you make the right choices and may need help with various aspects of this , such as; who to approach for surgery, what the process will be, what post operative support will you receive?
  We can offer advise pre surgery on, how to prepare, what to expect, information about traveling abroad. 
Once home you may need post operative support, our qualified nurse for issues around pain management, scar reduction, dilation or concerns re wound care etc.
  We have as well as our professional experience and qualifications, a wealth of personal and gender care clinical practical experience to draw upon when advising/supporting patients.

We have  links to Psychiatry and Surgical proffessionals in Gender affirming care, with established clinical pathways we can make direct referals if required. We can also liase with NHS services and provide details of consultations and outcomes.

Costs for clinic or online video appointment

30 min Video/telephone - £30


Clinic appointments for advice and clinical assessment- £80. 

Pre and post Operative care and advice

Pre & Post operative complications can include;
Navigating help and assistance via your GP or NHS walk in service can be daunting, if you've had private gender surgery, particularly if you've gone abroad. We can be your advocates and advise and help you get the care and support you need post op, whilst maintaining your dignity as a trans patient.
All patients can have a chaperone present during any examination/consultation
Our nurse has many years experience of post operative care and has advocated for patients in GP practises and NHS hospitals.
