Frequently asked questions.

Our team hold adult and child nursing registration, specialist ADHD assesor & prescriber, social care qualifications in managment and care, councelling, phlebotomy qualification, ECG operation and have worked in the field of gender healthcare in excess of 8 years, we attend training and attend anual symposiums run by BAGIS and keep up to date with current physical and mental health care in relation to gender support.
Yes – we hold professional indemnity insurance through the Royal College of Nursing. and personal indemnity
We also are insured with a leading private healthcare insurer as specialist nurses.
We are guided by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and The Centre of Excellence for Transgender care (California) and BAGIS 'British Assotiation of Gender Identity Specialists' gudance on best practice. We follow a gender affirming model of care. This means that we believe you are the best person to decide if you are transgender or non- binary. We can help you to explore your feelings but do not offer or require a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria to offer support to you.
We also adhere to our UK registered proffessional nursing guidance, registration requierments and professional conduct.
We would strongly advise you to remain with the NHS as this will enable you to receive your prescriptions via your GP and be entitled to NHS surgery if required. We can however support you with your treatment and journey and offer advice to help you access the best care possible. We can also support your access to and treatment via private providers.
We are not able to offer a prescribing service at the moment.
As fully qualified none medical prescribers and specialist gender health care nurses we can however give guidance/advice to your GP/doctor enabeling them to offer a prescription on a shared care basis, we do not provide private prescriptions.
We can however assist with administration of prescribed injections and take bloods for monitoring treatment as well as give advice about medication.
We are very happy to work with GPs or any other healthcare providers. Often GPs are grateful for our specialist guidance so they can help you manage your journey better. We can organise telephone or video meetings with your GP if this is the case. We also understand that in some cases contact with a family GP may be detrimental to your journey, it is not compulsory that we speak to your GP.
We always advise that you keep your GP informed of changes to your medication and health.
We are parents of trans children and understand something of the journey you are on and how stressful this can be. We are very happy to talk to you about your child’s needs and guide, advise and provide counselling to the whole family where we can, as well as offer you support for your own needs. Please do get in touch.
We take our responsibility to safely store any information you share very seriously and are bound by our professional code of practice, confidentiality laws and GDPR. Please see our GDPR policy for further details on this.
Yes, all our team either identify as trans, or are a parent/support to a trans person.
WE HAVE SKIN IN THE GAME but we still keep in mind the best practice in regards to our patients, so we follow the guidance of our registered bodies and hold the physical and mental welfare of our patients foremost in our minds.

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