What does it mean to be A gender questioning or transitioning person in todays world ?

I often start my day as many millions of us do in the UK waking up with my alarm and grudgingly drag my body out of a warm bed. Wishing that a lottery win would happen I get to the kitchen and get the brew on, usually tripping over (and swearing at) a crazy dog trying to get to her food before I do.

Then, telly on and see what the news is today as I sip my tea and think of the days work to come. There it is some rich and famous person has commented on the transgender question, what bloody question ?something like… where we go for a pee and how its traumatizing the female members of our society bla bla, Oh! no issue with transgender male’s using the loo with the guys! The presenters pick it up and get the usual people to comment, because you must always have a balanced discussion, even if those opinions are crazy, off the wall, misinformed dribble.

One thing that grates on me like a hundred nails down a massive blackboard, when they say “I mean I have nothing against the Trans community, I have trans friends…But”, then they go on to say something like, we can’t ever really change gender, we should use gender neutral toilets or we need gender passports to prove we've had surgery and therefore can not assault others in the toilet, Really!! have they actually ever spent time with a transgender person.

One thing that grates on me like a hundred nails down a massive blackboard, when they say “I mean I have nothing against the Trans community, I have trans friends…But”, then they go on to say something like, we can’t ever really change gender, we should use gender neutral toilets or we need gender passports to prove we've had surgery and therefore can not assault others in the toilet, Really!! have they actually ever spent time with a transgender person.

I move around my community here in Birmingham with all the social, cultural and religious people its possible to have in one place, they do not care I’m a transgender female they just see a person and in most cases a woman “NO Bloody ISSUES about Toilets”,

Back to the main original question, sorry I do tend to wander with my thoughts “What is it to be transgender or for that matter any of us who do not conform to the gender binary today in this world”?

Well for me anyway, on a day to day basis its no different to any other woman out there, kids, work, shopping , cooking and cleaning, along with squeezing some R and R around that all, But… and this is a big but, the last few years have been difficult on an emotional level because these rich and famous people are getting on this made up band wagon and beating their personal drum, and all the conspiracy theory people out their jump on it too, then the MP’s worried about retaining their seats also back off supporting positive changes to the gender recognition laws,

and as strong as I am it affects me, I now wait to be challenged when using women’s only spaces “Never happened in years” but this current climate has made me jumpy about things that a few years ago I didn’t give a second thought too (Nor did anyone else)

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